Congress Chips Away at Overfishing Progress
We’ve made a lot of progress in curbing overfishing in the past few decades – but that progress could be unraveled if several dangerous new bills make it through Congress.On December 1, the House...
View ArticleCod Numbers Disappoint Fishermen and Scientists
A fishing boat in the Gulf of Maine. © Gretchen Ertl for the New York TimesNew England fishermen and conservationists alike are in a state of alarm over recent findings from the National Marine...
View ArticleHouse Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Fight Illegal Fishing
Congress took a strong step forward today in the fight against illegal fishing, as Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) introduced legislation to fight this growing global problem that threatens...
View ArticleHouse Committee Considers Bill to Fight Illegal Fishing
A new bill would protect vulnerable species from illegal fishing. ©Oceana/LXIn a hearing yesterday in the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and Insular Affairs,...
View ArticleSenate Moves Bill to End Pirate Fishing
Pirate fishing threatens the ocean and those who rely on it ©Oceana/Keith EllenbogenThe Senate took an important step forward last month in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated...
View ArticleA New Congress, Yet Little Change for Fish
Fresh faces face fish issues in the 113th ©Wikimedia CommonsNow that the dust has settled from the national elections, many of us in the fisheries world are turning our attention to the new session of...
View ArticleCongress Provides Minor Relief for Fisheries Disasters
Image of Hurricane Sandy via NASA.Congress has finally passed a long-awaited supplemental appropriations bill to bring relief to those affected by Superstorm Sandy and to promote better preparedness...
View ArticleOceana Testifies in Support of MA Seafood Labeling Bills
Do you really know what you're ordering? Oceana's Beckie Zisser testifies in support of stronger seafood labeling bills in Massachusetts. Photo: Jenn HuetingThe Massachusetts Legislature is currently...
View ArticleCongress Targets Fishery Rebuilding Requirements, Ignoring Record of Success
(Photo: RPG Master)As Congress returned this week from its month-long recess, the House of Representatives wasted no time in criticizing important conservation provisions of our nation’s foremost...
View ArticleCapps Takes Lead on SAFE Seafood Act in House of Representatives
The SAFE Seafood Act will give consumers access to more information about their seafood. (Photo: Oceana / Jenn Hueting)Oceana would like to thank Representative Lois Capps (D-CA) for becoming the new...
View ArticleHouse Committee Approves Bill that Moves Fisheries Management Backward
A Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) caught on a longline in the Mediterranean. (Photo: Oceana / Mar Mas)Responsible fisheries management took a hit today as the House Committee on Natural...
View ArticleOceana Thanks Congressional Supporters for Launching Seafood Traceability...
(Photo: Oceana / Jenn Hueting)Last week was big for our oceans. Following a two-day summit at the State Department that brought together world leaders, NGO representatives, marine scientists, and other...
View ArticleHouse Committee Approves Bill that Moves Fisheries Management Backward
A Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) caught on a longline in the Mediterranean. (Photo: Oceana / Mar Mas)Responsible fisheries management took a hit today as the House Committee on Natural...
View ArticleOceana Thanks Congressional Supporters for Launching Seafood Traceability...
(Photo: Oceana / Jenn Hueting)Last week was big for our oceans. Following a two-day summit at the State Department that brought together world leaders, NGO representatives, marine scientists, and other...
View ArticleCongress Advances Legislation to Fight Pirate Fishing, Keep Illegally-Caught...
Illegal driftnets in the port of Tangiers, Morocco. (Photo: Oceana)The House Natural Resources Committee took a significant step forward yesterday in the fight against illegal fishing and seafood...
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